Intro to Sewing at MAC Birmingham - 19th February 2022

It's so wonderful to be back at MAC Birmingham!

Roughly 2 years after my last class, i'm back to share my sewing and making knowledge in my Introduction to Sewing class; one of my longest running classes since i started at MAC in 2015. 

I like to gage the level of everyone's knowledge before i start. Although i always have a rough plan for what i want to deliver, its good to check what people know so as not to repeat anything and utilise the time to boost their skills. 

After discussions, it appeared that most people didn't have much experience with sewing or using a sewing machine, so I took everything back to basics and started from scratch. 

I started with demonstrations of how to set up, thread and control the machines before moving onto small stitch samples of different seams, hems and details that they may encounter when making their own small or commercial pattern projects. 

To help reinforce everything i teach, i write a small 'booklet' that everyone can keep and make notes. Inside it is key information about important sewing terminology, how to be safe with a sewing machines, and drawn diagrams of different seam and hem types. 

In the afternoon, it was on to personal projects. I have a small range of accessory patterns that everyone can make from different tote bags, to sash tie belts and reversible bags. Everyone brought their own fabric (the elephants was a particular favourite!) and worked to create a custom accessory to take away and test the skills they've learnt. 

Everyone did amazingly well and the final makes were wonderful!

If you would like to learn more about the basics of sewing, I will be running another Intro to Sewing class at MAC Birmingham on Saturday 14th May. You can book your place at this link: 

I'm also running some one day Intro to Pattern Cutting classes very soon where i will be sharing how to custom measure, draft a block pattern for a skirt and create a toile to test the fit. The final pattern can then be used to create a skirt of your choice in any woven fabric. *I do recommend that you have a some sewing knowledge to join this class as its relatively fast paced throughout the day. 

These 1 day courses with be on: Saturday 12th March and Saturday 11th June. If you would like to come along, click this link to find out more and book your place:

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