The Results: 5 Day Young Designers Sewing School at MAC Birmingham

Some amazing work was created during the 5 Day Young Designers Sewing School. Here's a little sneak peek at some of the things that were made. Hope to see you all again soon!

For more information on up-coming courses, head over to my courses page for listings and dates.

Tomorrow: Young Designers Sewing School at MAC Birmingham

Tomorrow is the beginning of my 5 day Young Designers Sewing School at MAC Birmingham.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing my love of all things sewing!

There are still a few places left for the course starting tomorrow. Head over to to find out more.

Tomorrow: Introduction to Sewing Juniors at Mac Birmingham

Final preparation for my introduction to sewing juniors course tomorrow at Mac birmingham .

Packing everything up in my sewing box bag, now available on etsy . Head over to the shop page to buy one. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Although the sewing juniors workshop tomorrow and on the 1st of September are both sold out, there are still places left on my Young designers course next week and sewing juniors workshop in October. Click on the links below for more information:

Introduction to Sewing : Juniors . 8-11 years

Eco Sewing Tote Bags featured in Megan Nielsen Patterns Facebook Page!

A huge thank you to Megan Nielsen Patterns for featuring my Eco Sewing Tote Bags on their Facebook page.

To buy the bags in the UK, head over to my Etsy store:

To buy the bags in Europe or Internationally, email me on: