Christmas Craft: Fabric Remnant Star

Christmas crafting is in full swing!

One of the first makes of this festive season was a fabric remnant star with Sashiko stitches. 

To Make:

  1. Collect scraps of fabric and pin them to a base fabric layer. I used cotton scraps but these can be whatever you have lying around. 
  2. Decide on your decoration shape (eg: a star, a bauble, etc) and stitch the remnant pieces down to the base fabric layer with your chosen handstitches. I used multiple rows of running sashiko-style stitches but you could use any hand-stitch that you like. 
    1. I also used a few layers of fabric at the back to give the shape strength, but this is up to you. 
  3. Add a ribbon loop at the top with a small stitch.
  4. Machine stitch around the handstitches to secure the decoration to finish off. 
You can see my process in the reel below. Happy sewing!

Christmas...but make it Fashion

Continuing the Christmas theme...but make it fashion!

A little photodump from a recent visit to London and all the fabulous Christmas decor. 

Throwback: Madge Gill at MAC Birmingham

Did you manage to see Madge Gill's exhibition at MAC Birmingham?

I loved the embroidered pieces that layer lots of thread onto backing fabric to create an organic, free-flowing textile pattern. 

Fashion Books

I am an avid book collector - particularly fashion books. 

I've been adding to my sustainable book collection, which have come in handy when writing lectures recently. 

Highly recommend Fashion Made Fair by Ellen Kohrer and Magdelena Schriffin, and the Fashioned by Nature book from the Victoria and Albert Museum Exhibition