Coming Soon: Introduction to Pattern Cutting Course (Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th February)

Its time for the next workshop in my series of fashion courses!

Introduction to Pattern Cutting focuses on developing a pattern from scratch from your own measurements, making a toile to check the fit and constructing a final piece that you can wear.

(Above Image: MAC Birmingham Website)

The course is on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th February at MAC Birmingham. For more information and to book a place on the course, go to

For enquiries, please feel free to email me on

New and updated work on Coroflot!

Alongside my teaching work, I continue to work in the fashion industry and develop creative projects, meeting some amazing models, photographers, artists and designers along the way.

I've recently updated my online portfolio with new projects.

Click on the link below to take a look;

Coming soon: Upcycling Clothes Workshop (Saturday 13th February)

After a great first ‘Introduction to Sewing’ class, the next course in my series of workshops is coming soon! 

Upcycling Clothes looks at ways of recycling old and unused products and giving them a new life in your daily wardrobe. 

(Above Image: MAC Birmingham Website)

The course is on Saturday 13th February at MAC Birmingham. For more information and to book a place on the course, go to

For enquiries, please feel free to email me on